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Intelligent Health Blog

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine - Whitepaper Infoholic

Posted by Infoholic on Sep 11, 2019 2:16:18 PM

A White Paper by Infoholic Research LLP


The term Artificial Intelligence conjures images of science fiction with advanced technologies used by governments and large corporations. The images are true to an extent in that it’s the large corporations which were the early adopters of the technology. However, the technology has been in use and is being utilized by various industries such as retail, and healthcare among others. For instance, whenever an online retailer suggests complementary products to your purchase, its AI at work. Within the medical industry AI has been making rapid inroads into various sectors. From predicting diseases to clinical outcomes and reading radiology examinations, AI is slowly but surely pervading medicine.

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine – Making Machines Intelligent AI is today one of the key technologies and is analogous to the introduction of electricity that revolutionized the world. The term Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIIM) refers to medical diagnosis, medical data, robotics, and genomics (human biology).

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