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An Interview with Omar Learbuch-Butt, Faculty – Market Access Specialist, National Association of Primary Care (NAPC)

Posted by Intelligent Health on Apr 6, 2022 10:30:00 AM
Intelligent Health

Ahead of discussing a Challenge on 'How can we bring data and AI driven approaches to Primary Care?' at Intelligent Health UK 2022 (6-7 April, ExCeL London), we asked Omar-Learbuch-Butt, Faculty - Market Access Specialist, National Association of Primary Care (NAPC) -his thoughts on the future of AI in healthcare.

Omar Learbuch-Butt - NAPC

If you could solve any global health problem in the world with AI, what would it be?


Helping health care providers manage the change needed to adopt new technology

Presuming that was solved, what would your second choice be?


Predictive health care for the developing world - where digital records are poor


How do you think AI will make its biggest mark in healthcare in the next 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?


In the logistics of health care provision in 5 & 10 years - I think clinicians will continue to reject AI diagnosis and treatment planning until a new generation less worried about something they don’t understand replaces them in 20 years or so


What excites you most about the application of AI in healthcare?


Reducing suffering for those with disease and preventing suffering for those at risk

What’s your biggest fear in relation to the application of AI in the health/medicine field?


A series of failed attempts to adopt technology by the well meaning but not so well informed - that then creates a wave of negative sentiment

How do you think AI will cause human contact in healthcare to change in the future?


It will make it more efficient and purposeful


What does AI mean for the skill requirements of health professionals? How will it change?


It will allow them to focus on the emotional side of care, more than just the mechanics
Why did you choose to present at Intelligent Health?
To help people understand it’s not about the technology it’s about it’s impact - when people stop focusing on the how it will happen and start thinking about the what can happen we will begin to see a revolution in the way technology is adopted.
What are your personal goals from the summit? 
Use language that people understand to expand their horizon and capability to demonstrate the impact their technology can have.
Omar Learbuch-Butt - NAPC
Twitter username
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We look forward to welcoming him on stage! Join Omar and the AI and healthcare community at Intelligent Health UK to break down the barriers between tech and healthcare and help #saveliveswithai.  


The Intelligent Health team


About Intelligent Health UK
Now in its third year, Intelligent Health UK, in partnership with The NHS AI Lab, NIHR, The Health Innovation Network, AHSN Network, DigitalHealth.London, NAPC and the AI Centre, will bring together our collective communities to the ExCeL London on the 6th and 7th April 2022.
The AI and healthcare community - clinicians, hospital heads, data scientists, startups, academics, and investors, will come together for two days of collaboration and co-creation, to address how AI can be used to alleviate the elective backlog, improve population health, increase operational efficiencies and drive forward moonshot projects as the NHS recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Find out more and book your tickets at london.intelligenthealth.ai

AI and health events calendar for 2022 


Intelligent Health UK |  06-07 April 2022 | London, UK



Intelligent Health | 07-08 September 2022 | Basel, Switzerland



Topics: HealthTech, Interview, modern technology, health for all

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