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An Interview with Peter Hackel, Head of Data Products, Takeda Pharma

Posted by Intelligent Health on Sep 6, 2022 3:25:46 PM
Intelligent Health

Ahead of Unleashing the Power of Data through Scaled Deployment of Data Products Workshop at Intelligent Health 2022 (7-8 September, Basel, Switzerland), we asked Peter Hackel, Head of Data Products, Takeda Pharma his thoughts on the future of AI in healthcare.



If you could solve any global health problem in the world with AI, what would it be?


Prediction and diagnosis of disease.

Presuming that was solved, what would your second choice be?


Cross vendor supply optimization based on disease prediction to enable broader access to necessary medication.


How do you think Ai will make its biggest mark in healthcare in the next 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?


In 5 years we will have self-learning algorithms broadly deployed to optimize our product quality, production efficiency and avoid discards.
In 20 years we will have healthcare as a service where personalized recommendations are provided to avoid health issues and in case of issues personalized medicine is delivered based on all medical history and knowledge helping to cure on speed without side effects.


What excites you most about the application of AI in healthcare?


There are opportunities to support the patient more direct and scalable with the application of AI.


What’s your biggest fear in relation to the application of AI in the health/medicine field?

Misuse of knowledge and information for the benefit of a small group without the economic benefit of the overall population in mind.
How do you think AI will cause human contact in healthcare to change in the future?


Diagnosis will be just under human oversight but automatically conducted, humans will play a bigger role to monitor and ensure psychological health aspects.


What does AI mean for the skill requirements of health professionals? How will it change?

Health professionals will need to have the ability to define the boarders and working framework of AI more than conducting direct healthcare.
Why did you choose to present at Intelligent Health?
I think the presentation, discussion, ideation and feedback will help us and others to benchmark ways of working and has a potential to improve how and our peers serve our patients.
What are your personal goals from the summit? 
Share a journey towards AI that we feel is long term beneficial for a company like Takeda and receive feedback so we can learn from other perspectives and improve further.
   LinkedIn profile URL

About Intelligent Health

The AI and healthcare community - clinicians, hospital heads, data scientists, startups, academics, and investors, will come together for two days of collaboration and co-creation, to address how AI can be used to alleviate the elective backlog, improve population health, increase operational efficiencies and drive forward moonshot projects.
Find out more and book your tickets at intelligenthealth.ai

AI and health events calendar for 2022 


Intelligent Health UK |  2023 Dates TBA | London, UK



Intelligent Health | 07-08 September 2022 | Basel, Switzerland



Topics: HealthTech, Interview, modern technology, health for all

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