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Announcing Prof. Daniel Kahneman and Yossi Sheffi as headliners at Intelligent Health UK 2022

Posted by Intelligent Health AI on Feb 2, 2022 2:56:42 PM
Intelligent Health AI
He is quoted as being the world’s most influential living psychologist, the best-selling author of 'Thinking, Fast and Slow', Professor Daniel Kahneman, Nobel Laureate, Psychologist, Author and Behavioural Economist will be joining us as a headliner at Intelligent Health UK (6-7 April, ExCeL London), followed by a book signing! 

Daniel Kahneman-2


Daniel will be interviewed about his latest book, 'Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgement' which explores the nature of disruption in decision making and a ground-breaking exploration of why most people make bad judgments, and how to control for that noise. It explains why humans are susceptible to noise and how it contributes to significant errors in all fields, including medicine, law, economic forecasting – and what we can do about it.



To spoil you even more, we have a second, incredible headliner, Professor Yossi Sheffi, Director, MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics, Professor, MIT Institute of Data Science and Society, MIT, who will be interviewed on-stage, followed by a book signing on his latest book, ‘A Shot in the Arm: How science, engineering and supply chain converged to vaccinate the world’.
Yossi Sheffi This candid conversation will look at how the race to deliver a Covid-19 vaccine has been likened to a moonshot, but in several ways landing a man on the moon was easier. Yossi will take us on the vaccine’s world-changing journey from scientific breakthrough, to coronavirus antidote, to mass vaccination, the mistakes that were made and how the mission could transform the way the world combats other global-scale challenges such as poverty, food and water security, climate change, and particularly in areas such as the funding of R&D and scaling innovations.
The lucky first 50 of you to book your ticket with discount code BOOKS will get FREE, signed copies of both books! 
Find out more and book your tickets at london.intelligenthealth.ai
The Intelligent Health team



AI and health events calendar for 2022 

Intelligent Health UK |  06-07 April 2022 | London, UK
Intelligent Health | 07-08 September 2022 | Basel, Switzerland


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