Intelligent Health Blog

Can you solve these digital health challenges?

Posted by Intelligent Health on Mar 12, 2019 12:04:21 PM
Intelligent Health

''Calling all data scientists, technology companies, academic institutes and any other professionals looking to solve digital health challenges’'


We're excited to announce our first 3 Clinect challenges submitted by the NHS and leading Mexican pharmaceutical company Medix – can you solve these problems? 


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What's Clinect?

An open, collaborative set of projects addressing real-life digital health challenges. Groups of vendors and project Champions will work together over a 6 month period on rapid fire proof of concept projects with the goal of presenting the theoretical outcomes at Intelligent Health 2019 next September in Basel, Switzerland.

What does joining a challenge entail?

Clinect Challenge provides a unique environment for you to flex your tech muscles. HCPs from around the world will join vendors in working towards solutions for brand new digital health challenges. This is an opportunity to join a rapid-fire proof of concept project with other tech leaders and has the potential to unearth brand new go-to-market solutions. Benchmark, share resource and network with clinicians you wouldn’t otherwise have access to.

Intelligent Health 2019

At the end of the 6 month project cycle all Challenge groups will be invited to present their solutions at Intelligent Health AI, the world's leading AI in medicine summit this September to 2,000+ B2B delegates.


To find out more on how to join a challenge and understand costs please contact us.


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Topics: Digital Health, Clinect Challenge

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