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Digital Health Challenges at Intelligent Health UK 2022

Posted by Intelligent Health AI on Mar 10, 2022 11:32:22 AM
Intelligent Health AI

At Intelligent Health UK on the 6th and 7th April 2022 in London, we will change the digital path of AI application in healthcare all together. Across the two days, we’ll bring together hundreds of delegates who have never met before, to tackle real-life, digital health challenges.


Each session will focus on a specific challenge which has been identified as a barrier to adopting AI within healthcare, where a use case, project or initiative will be presented, and you, as the Challenge group will share resource, experience and expertise to look towards finding possible solutions.


If you have the tech or clinical expertise to work together in multi-disciplinary groups to solve the grand challenges below, join us for practical outcomes.


IHUK20 - Challenges
What education and training are needed to develop confidence in AI amongst the workforce?
The NHS AI Lab and Health Education England are working to identify requirements for knowledge, skills and capabilities to develop confidence in healthcare professionals to implement and use AI technologies. An initial report outlined a conceptual framework for understanding confidence in AI technologies and the actions policymakers, regulators, legal professionals and industry innovators can take to support this. In this session we will discuss this framework and how it can translate into educational pathways for the healthcare workforce.
Dr. Annabelle Painter, Clinical Fellow- AI & Workforce, HEE & NHS Transformation Directorate
George Onisiforou, Research Manager, NHS AI Lab, NHS Transformation Directorate
How can we accelerate deployment of AI to support the workforce?
Five-minute presentations from AI companies currently supporting NHS organisations followed by a discussion on implementing AI and the support available - debating questions such as:
  • How can we drive forward early adoption of AI to support health and care?
  • How can NHS organisations foster and sustain a culture of innovation to accelerate digital transformation?
  • What can AI companies do to ensure their products/services fulfil the needs of an NHS organisation?
Haris Shuaib, AI Transformation Lead, AI Centre, Consultant Physicist, Head of Clinical Scientific Computing, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Yasmin Stinchcombe, NHS Navigator, DigitalHealth.London
Dr. Eduardo Normando, Clinician Scientist, Senior Lecturer, Imperial College London and Consultant Ophthalmologist, Western Eye and Charing Cross hospitals
Dr. Sarah Khavandi, AI Research Clinician, Ufonia
Bringing in the ‘not so loud’ voices of social care: How can we use AI to make personalised, integrated care, become a reality?
  • Understand the challenges to help care homes become AI ready
  • Learn from case studies on how they addressed barriers and came up with solutions
  • Identify the key challenges around gathering data between multiple partners
  • Understand where learnings from care homes can be translated into other opportunities to support independent living for other patient groups
  • What can we do to encourage more focus and investment in social care technology?
Ian Newington, Head of Special Projects, National Institute for Health Research
AI in the wild: exploring real world monitoring of AI systems
  • Introducing the new AI multiagency advisory service
  • The changing world – designing AI to enable real world monitoring
  • How are AI systems currently monitored for ethical, safe and effective use post-deployment?
  • Plenary – So where are we now and where do we go from here?
Dr. Allison Gardner, Director, Women Leading in AI and Senior Research Fellow, Keele University
Clíodhna Ní Ghuidhir, Principal Scientific Adviser, Head of AI Multi-Agency Advice Service Secretariat, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
Harriet Unsworth, Technical Advisor, Office for Digital Health, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
Are you up for the Challenge? Book our place with 2000 other change-makers. Find out more and book your tickets at london.intelligenthealth.ai
About Intelligent Health UK
Now in its third year, Intelligent Health UK, in partnership with The NHS AI Lab, NIHR, The Health Innovation Network, AHSN Network, and DigitalHealth.London, will bring together our collective communities to the ExCeL London on the 6th and 7th April 2022.
The AI and healthcare community - clinicians, hospital heads, data scientists, startups, academics, and investors, will come together for two days of collaboration and co-creation, to address how AI can be used to alleviate the elective backlog, improve population health, increase operational efficiencies and drive forward moonshot projects as the NHS recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Find out more and book your tickets at london.intelligenthealth.ai

The Intelligent Health team 


AI and health events calendar for 2022 

Intelligent Health UK |  06-07 April 2022 | London, UK
Intelligent Health | 07-08 September 2022 | Basel, Switzerland

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