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Intelligent Health Blog

Healthcare ethics in the AI revolution

Posted by Intelligent Health on Sep 3, 2018 10:27:47 AM
Intelligent Health

Neural networks have already been shown to accurately predict melanoma, diagnose prostate cancer and increase the effectiveness of cancer treatment drugs. How many lives lost to cancer could have been saved if AI could have detected the disease earlier?


AI’s ability to save costs and lives is huge - but of course ethics and governanceis critical, and, as always, it’s not just about the tech. Clinicians will need to be retrained, and what do doctors become if machines are better at diagnosis? What are the ethical risks?


The truth is we don’t yet know the answers to these questions - but thousands and thousands of micro and macro investigations are being carried out by hospitals, clinicians governments, NGOs and data scientists worldwide to find out.



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Farzana Rahman, Consultant Radiologist UCLH and Clinical Advisor, Data and Digital Strategy Lead at NHS Digital and The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges said “I’m excited to attend a summit that addresses the practical uses of AI and any ethical implications. I look forward to meeting innovative and dynamic thinkers who’ll challenge the way we think”. Farzana will be joining a panel at Intelligent Health  to discuss exactly this – healthcare ethics in the AI revolution


Healthcare ethics in the AI revolution


·    Protection: How can human subjects and their data be protected?  

·    Responsibility: Who or what is responsible if things go wrong?

·    Liability: How do you measure the acceptable level of responsibility and liability for the players in AI


Prof. Effy Vayena, Professor, Institute of Translational Medicine

Farzana Rahman, Consultant Radiologist UCLH and Clinical Advisor, Data and Digital Strategy Lead, NHS Digital and The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges

Eleonore Pauwels, Director of the Anticipatory Intelligence Lab, Wilson Center

Alessandro Curioni, IBM Fellow, Vice President Europe and Director, IBM Research


Join the debate at Intelligent Health, the world's leading Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Summit taking place in Switzerland this September. 




Topics: AI ethics, Medicine

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