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NEWSFLASH: Themes Announced for Intelligent Health UK 2022

Posted by Intelligent Health on Dec 14, 2021 9:00:00 AM
Intelligent Health
The Intelligent Health community will return to London on 6th and 7th April 2022, for our third edition of Intelligent Health UK , where you can expect to rub shoulders with clinicians, decision makers in health and care settings, patients, technologists from startups and big tech companies, for two days of business, exchanging of knowledge, and just a whole lot of fun, in a covid safe environment!
We’ll be announcing our first set of speakers from the new year, so watch this space!  In the meantime, here are our key themes for 2022:
  • Using AI to help the NHS continue to innovate, recover from the
pandemic and ease the backlog in care
  • Where can AI take us - with practical, real-world use cases of developing, deploying and adopting AI systems in health and care
  • How can technology and AI be used to improve population health and reduce health inequalities?
  • Harnessing the benefits of AI in healthcare – safely and ethically
  • Scaling AI projects in the NHS - leading digital change, interoperability
and innovation
  • Using AI to address the expected increase in mental health care needs
  • Using technological innovations in speech recognition, personalised medicine, diagnostics, clinical patient care, robotics, NLP, ehealth records, medical imaging, interoperability, hospital management to improve patient outcomes
  • Where are the challenges and opportunities for physicians to use AI,
for data driven thinking and adoption in hospitals?
  • Making AI work for the hospital leadership team: lessons on the AI
So mark your calendar, book your tickets, claim your exhibitor booths, and get ready for the perfect mix of inspiration, collaboration, business and fun. Because we are InspiredMinds - we make innovation with impact happen. 
Get involved

Interested in speaking, partnering, sponsoring or exhibiting? Have any questions? Get in touch


AI and health events calendar for 2022 
Intelligent Health UK |  06-07 April 2022 | London, UK
Intelligent Health | 07-08 September 2022 | Basel, Switzerland


Topics: HealthTech, modern technology, health for all

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