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InspiredMinds support AGE UK with COVID telephone service

Posted by Intelligent Health on Feb 1, 2021 11:31:53 AM
Intelligent Health

InspiredMinds are excited to announce that they have joined up with AGE UK to support the phone a friend volunteering service.


COVID 19 has amplified isolation in older people and many are unable to have contact with friends, community groups and even family members as regularly as they usually do. The Phone Friends is a friendly service from Age UK which helps alleviate loneliness to older, isolated people by phoning them weekly for a friendly chat, checking that the Phone Friend is well and signposting to other services as necessary.


Founder and CEO of InspiredMinds said “COVID 19 has hugely affected elderly people who are isolated from their usual support networks. Equally, as a live events business we have team members from our physical summit side of our business who are part furloughed and it seemed an obvious match to volunteer for such a brilliant initiative with AGE UK. As the slogan says there is nothing more lonely than a phone that doesn’t ring, our team are friendly, sociable people who will now reach out to AGE UK elderly by making calls to up to 4 people each very week.”



Phone Friends is growing all the time and in the last year AGE UK made over 15,600 calls. Phone Friends can only exist with the support of volunteers so if you could spare an hour a week to make a call to someone for a friendly chat please go to https://www.ageuk.org.uk and click on volunteering for ways to get involved.


Topics: HealthTech, modern technology, health for all

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