Challenges are what make life interesting, and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful - Joshua J. Marine
We're calling out to all experts from our 51,000 community members to help us solve some of medicine's greatest challenges. If you have the tech expertise to work together in multi-disciplinary groups to solve the grand challenges below, join us for practical outcomes:
Challenge 1: How to create a roadmap for AI and data driven technology adoption in hospitals to improve the quality of health and care services?
Challenge 2: How can you design actually diverse and proportionate data?
Challenge 3: How can we work together to truly embed AI into the workflow?
Challenge 4: How can we define great public engagement?
Challenge 5: Good enough? How can we build per-patient clinical confidence in AI predictions for high stakes decisions?
Challenge 6: Healthcare ethics in the AI revolution: how can these new technologies respect ethical values, autonomy, transparency, confidentiality, privacy and who should be responsible and liable?
Challenge 7: ML for real-world evidence generation: Can big-data bring the future of AI medicine to today?
Challenge 8: Using radiology as a test bed to develop a framework of routine clinical deployment of AI
Challenge 9: How can we bring in the “not so loud” voices of social care?
At Intelligent Health UK, on February 5th 2020 in London, we will change the digital path of AI application in healthcare TOGETHER. Over the course of the day, we will initiate nine, 12 month projects, bringing together HUNDREDS of delegates who have never met before, to tackle real-life, digital health challenges.
Each session will focus on a specific challenge which has been identified as a barrier to adopting AI within healthcare, where a use case, project or initiative will be presented, and YOU, as the Challenge group will share resource, experience and expertise to look towards finding a solution/ possible solutions during the 12 month period.
Are you up for the Challenge? Book your place with 1000+ other change-makers.
5th February 2020
ExCeL London, UK
Here is your Global AI Events Calendar where you can meet the Inspired Minds community of business leaders, heads of government, policy makers, startups, investors, academics and media.
5th February 2020
ExCeL London, UK
March 25-26th 2020
Palais des congrès de Montréal
Montreal, Canada
09-10 September 2020
07-08 October 2020
Amsterdam, The Netherlands