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Meet The Speakers: Deloitte Switzerland

Posted by Intelligent Health on Sep 20, 2021 9:00:00 AM
Intelligent Health

We’re really excited to welcome our sponsor Deloitte to Intelligent Health 2021 in Amsterdam. Ahead of their fascinating workshop on ‘Bringing an AI-driven Digital Health Solution from Idea to Scaling’, we sat down with Nishant Sinha, Director, AI & Automation, Deloitte Switzerland and Frank Dannacher, Director, AI & Data Practice Lead for Life Science and Healthcare, Deloitte Switzerland to discuss the future of AI in healthcare and the latest developments in the field.

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What excites you most about the application of AI in healthcare?


Nishant Sinha:

The ability of AI to impact our daily lives directly and to make it significantly better.


Frank Dannacher:

Technology can improve patients quality of life - even save them.


What’s your biggest fear about the application of AI in health/medicine?


Nishant Sinha:

The application of AI driving reduction in the Humane aspect of medicare.


Frank Dannacher:

I’m worried that regulatory or old thinking stands in the way of sharing data.


How do you think AI will make its biggest mark in healthcare in the next 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?


Nishant Sinha:

AI will enable us to proactively identify health issues and suggest remedial actions i.e. enable us to move away from remediation to prevention.


Frank Dannacher:

AI could offer opportunities for remote monitoring treatment to keep patients out of hospitals.


How do you think AI will change human contact in healthcare?


Nishant Sinha:

Increased usage of Digital assistants helping provide healthcare at scale with cost efficiency.


Frank Dannacher:

We should still preserve human contact in healthcare but for example, hometesting will mean less interaction.


What does AI mean for the skill requirements of health professionals? How will it change?


Nishant Sinha:

Able to work with AI system to understand how to leverage it to supplement insights and thus improve outcomes.


Frank Dannacher:

They need to start thinking digital - this has improved recently with Covid



Which 2 people do you admire most in the world of AI in terms of their work?


Nishant Sinha:

1) Andrew NG for his ability to make learning of AI easily accessible
2) Elon Musk for his ability to think out of the box and take risks


Frank Dannacher:

Martin Jespersen on Synthetic data...



Topics: Digital Health, Interview

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