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Announcement: New Partners for Global Meet Up in May 2021

Posted by Intelligent Health on Mar 2, 2021 4:17:34 PM
Intelligent Health

Announcement: World leading AI and Health Tech Summit announces new partners for global meet up in May


Intelligent Health the world leading AI and health tech summit has announced its plans to run one day AI in health technology challenge in partnership with Innovation Partner NHSX, NIHR, The Health Innovation Network, AHSN Network and Digitalhealth.London. The event is also sponsored by industry leader TPP as headline partner and Microsoft as global networking partner.


Over the course of the one day challenge, the partners will initiate six, 12-month projects, bringing together hundreds of clinicians, health leaders and technology innovators, to tackle real-life, digital health challenges in the NHS.


Each online session will focus on a specific challenge which we have identified as a barrier to adopting AI within healthcare, where a use case, project or initiative will be presented to ‘Challenge groups’ who will then share resource, experience and expertise to look towards finding a solution/ possible solutions during the 12 month period.


The challenges announced are:


  • How can AI and digital solutions undo some of the impacts of the pandemic?
  • How do we integrate AI based technologies into social care and care homes?
  • Addressing the ethical dimensions of using AI in healthcare
  • How can AI be used in behavioural and mental health care?
  • Using AI to address health inequalities?
  • How can we evidence and scale promising AI- driven technologies?


InspiredMinds Chief Content Officer Vidya Gunapala commented “Because innovation is best done when we collaborate we are thrilled to be joined but these big gun partners in health. By coming together with us at Inspired Minds to create the challenge sessions to solve some of the biggest challenges facing the NHS.”


This year’s Intelligent Health UK Online Meet-Up will place on the 11th May, companies are invited to participate by contacting hello@worldsummit.ai





Note to editors


About InspiredMinds Media Group www.inspired-minds.co.uk


With over 200,000 community members in AI and emerging technology globally Inspired Minds is the worlds first AI omnichannel of digital meet-ups, online content and the largest AI technology summits globally.


Launched in 2016 by Sarah Porter InspiredMinds aims to make emerging technology more inclusive, diverse and available to all.


Organisers of the world leading World Summit AI www.worldsummit.ai and Intelligent healthwww.intelligenthealth.ai  the worls large community of clinicians in AI and medicine, InspiredMinds includes a portfolio attracting in excess of 45,000 attendees from 167 countries every year. Guided by our values, we aim to deliver excellence in every area in which we operate, with a diverse and inclusive community being our number one priority.


InspiredMinds is the leading AI and Health technology community globally with a presence in Amsterdam, Montreal and New York, the InspiredMinds Foundation and Tminus30 are not for profit initiatives that work to ensure that the development of technology is diverse, inclusive and benefits all. The groups campaigned against Trump in 2017 to overturn the travel ban that restricted the all girl Afghan Robotics team from attending the Washington DC robotics championships, and formed ADA-AI a counsel of world leaders in AI including Prof Gary Marcus, Prof Joanna Bryson, Luciano Floridi, Virginia Dignum and many more world leaders in AI.



About the Board


Sarah Porter is CEO and Founder InspiredMinds. With over 20 years experience in tech and media startups and acquisitions she is a serial entrepreneur with extensive experience of launching large scale tech summits including technology for marketing, world retail congress and she led the acquisition and geoclone of Money 2020 to Europe in 2015.


Vidya Gunapala is COO InspiredMinds and has over 18 years experience in research, editorial and market analysis in the health care and pharmaceuticals.


Topics: HealthTech, modern technology, health for all

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