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Quick Insights from Steven Duggan: The Potential Impact of AI in Healthcare

Posted by Intelligent Health AI on May 4, 2023 2:27:17 PM
Intelligent Health AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the healthcare industry, from digitizing patient interactions to aiding medical professionals in research, drug discovery, and treatment delivery. Steven Duggan, Vice President of Terawe, shares his insights on the impact of AI in healthcare:


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If you could solve any global health problem in the world with AI, what would it be?

Alzheimer's Disease

Presuming that was solved, what would your second choice be?


How do you think AI will make its biggest mark in healthcare in the next 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?

👉Accelerating Research
👉Aiding Drug Discovery
👉Delivering Novel Treatments

What excites you most about the application of AI in healthcare?

The opportunity to safe both time AND money.

What’s your biggest fear in relation to the application of AI in the health/medicine field?

The industry's hesitance to embrace the new.

How do you think AI will cause human contact in healthcare to change in the future?

AI can help make healthcare more personalized, not less.

What does AI mean for the skill requirements of health professionals? How will it change?

The best new AI technologies will be the most intuitive: the challenge will be keeping up with the many advancements they bring.

Why did you choose to present at Intelligent Health?

To demonstrate what is already possible, and confound some of the myths and fears about AI and other emergent technologies.

What are your personal goals from the summit?

To find innovative institutions with whom to partner in advancing healthcare.


Global AI and health events calendar 2023

Intelligent Health UK
24-25 May 2023
Platinum Suite, ExCeL London, UK



Intelligent Health 
13-14 September 2023

Basel, Switzerland


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