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Intelligent Health Blog

Solving real-life clinical problems with advanced analytics machine learning and data driven thinking

Posted by Intelligent Health on Aug 8, 2018 1:15:02 PM
Intelligent Health

We have someone who is passionate about solving real-life clinical problems with advanced analytics, machine learning and data driven thinking headlining for us at Intelligent Health next month. 





Meet José Pedro Almeida, Director of Big Data Analytics & Data Science at São João Hospital Center, the #1 public hospital center in Portugal (1100 beds, 5600 employees, 350 million euro budget/year). 

He has envisioned and implemented a revolutionary ' Big Data & Analytics Platform’ named 'HVITAL' that analyses 300 million patient records/day that automatically identifies and promptly alert patients at risk in critical areas such as clinical deterioration risk, infection control and antibiotic stewardship.


This automated system is able to help anticipate 30% of the Intensive Care Units(ICU) entries up to 7 days before they occur, representing more than 1 million euros/year in savings. This platform works 24/7, independently from any physiological stressor or human bias, correlating more than 560 billion data points to find actionable insights and patterns that help doctors to better treat patients. From 2012 to 2016 HVITAL platform has also helped to reduce the infection rate of this hospital by 31%, representing more than 10 million euros in cost-savings.


This Big Data Platform is by far the most advanced in Europe and makes it one of the most advanced solutions in the world regarding the practice of Data Driven Medicine inside Hospitals.


Book your ticket to join José Pedro Almeida and the global AI health community at Intelligent Health next month in Switzerland. 


For more information, visit intelligenthealth.ai


Topics: Medicine, Big Data, AI Platforms

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