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The UK's AI and health community come together to break down the barriers between tech and healthcare

Posted by Intelligent Health AI on Feb 3, 2022 1:47:12 PM
Intelligent Health AI
Now in its third year, Intelligent Health UK, in partnership with NIHR, The Health Innovation Network, AHSN Network, and DigitalHealth.London, will bring together their collective communities to the ExCeL London on the 6th and 7th April 2022.
The AI and healthcare community - clinicians, hospital heads, data scientists, startups, academics, and investors, will come together for two days of collaboration and co-creation, to address how AI can be used to alleviate the elective backlog, improve population health, increase operational efficiencies and drive forward moonshot projects as the NHS recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Intelligent Health is brought to you by InspiredMinds, the team behind the World Summit AI and Intelligent Health global summit series, where the global AI and healthcare agenda is set annually. Intelligent Health UK will bring together clinicians and AI technologists to broker problems with problem solvers, to drive forward breakthroughs that will revolutionise patient outcomes and set the roadmap to success for AI in healthcare.
The event will gather the most influential speakers in AI and healthcare, including Dr. Alan Karthikesalingam, Senior Clinical Scientist at Google Health, Dr. Junaid Bajwa, Chief Medical Scientist at Microsoft, Dr. Allison Gardner, Senior Scientific Adviser for AI, Multi-Agency Advice Service, The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and book signings with Professor Daniel Kahneman, Nobel Laureate, Psychologist, Behavioral Economist and Best- Selling Author of 'Thinking, Fast and Slow' and Professor Yossi Sheffi, Director, MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics, Professor, MIT Institute of Data Science and Society, MIT.
They will share their knowledge on driving technological collaborations, evolving AI driven business models, health data governance, ethics, improving patient outcomes, real-world evidence generation, and much more. The full event programme is available online. 
Frank Hester, CEO and Founder of TPP says, “At TPP, we are really passionate about how digital innovation can benefit healthcare and remain determined to make sure ground-breaking technology, including AI, is used to genuinely improve the lives of clinicians and their patients. After the success of last year’s virtual UK event and excellent showcase in Amsterdam, I’m excited to see Intelligent Health return to London for what is sure to be a fantastic two days.
IHUK20 - Speaker

Sarah Porter, CEO & Founder of InspiredMinds says: “IntelligentHealth is unique in the fact that it brings together scientists making exponential breakthroughs with world leading technologists. By applying tools such as AI and ML on chemistry, drug discovery and on major medical advances, we can reduce pressures on human labour by harnessing the speed of machine labour - the end effect of which will improve clinical outcomes and patient care. We are poised at a unique time in history where such breakthroughs are beyond the pace of those ever seen before - IHUK will showcase the best of them and allow the opportunity for us to moonshot many more.”
Themes this year include:
  • Using AI to help the NHS continue to innovate, recover from the pandemic and ease the backlog in care
  • Where can AI take us - with practical, real-world use cases of developing, deploying and adopting AI systems in health and care
  • How can technology and AI be used to improve population health and reduce health inequalities?
  • Harnessing the benefits of AI in healthcare – safely and ethically
  • Scaling AI projects in the NHS - leading digital change, interoperability and innovation
  • Using AI to address the expected increase in mental health care needs
  • Using technological innovations in speech recognition, personalised medicine, diagnostics, clinical patient care, robotics, NLP, ehealth records, medical imaging, interoperability, hospital management to improve patient outcomes
  • Where are the challenges and opportunities for physicians to use AI, for data driven thinking and adoption in hospitals?
  • Making AI work for the hospital leadership team: lessons on the AI journey


Exhibition floor

6 interactive challenges, 6 workshops and 6 table-talks to bridge the gap between clinicians and technologists
12 interactive hands-on sessions, facilitated by hosts and designed to bridge the gap between clinicians and technologists, will be running throughout the afternoons. Each session will focus on a live or current digital health challenge, where groups will share resource, experience and expertise to create a multidisciplinary team of experts focused on finding possible solutions. Challenge session discussions will continue to be facilitated beyond the close of the event, with the goal of presenting new insight and approaches at the flagship Intelligent Health event in Switzerland in September.
Interactive sessions include:
  • How can NHS organisations make the most of AI to support the workforce?
Hosted by Innovation Partners: Digitalhealth.London, AHSN Network Innovation Exchange and Health Innovation Network
  • How to work together with enterprises and clinicians to build tools and workflows that are compliant and scalable?
Hosted by: Kyle Giddens, CEO & Co-Founder, medcase health
  • Bringing in the ‘not so loud’ voices of social care: How can we use AI to make personalised, integrated care, become a reality?
    Hosted by Innovation Partners: NIHR 
The NIHR invention for innovation calls - advice clinic 
The NIHR Invention for Innovation (i4i) Programme funds Research and Development of Medical Devices, In vitro Diagnostics and patient facing Digital Health Technologies (NICE Tier C) to support the pre-clinical and clinical development of medical technologies in areas of existing or emerging patient needs. This includes data-driven technologies based on AI and Machine Learning, wholly or in part.NIHR will be at Intelligent Health UK in April to answer any questions on the application process for the below upcoming calls:
  • i4i Product Development Award Call 24 opens for outline applications on March 23rd, deadline May 11th
  • i4i Challenge Call 14 (Real World Implementation) opens for outline applications on April 21st, deadline June 2nd
  • i4i Connect Call 6, offering up to £150k over 6-12 months to accelerate your R&D journey, opens for EoI March/April (dates TBC)
For more information and to book a ticket, visit london.intelligenthealth.ai
The Intelligent Health team



AI and health events calendar for 2022 

Intelligent Health UK |  06-07 April 2022 | London, UK
Intelligent Health | 07-08 September 2022 | Basel, Switzerland


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