Top NHS challenges solved at Intelligent Health UK

Posted by Intelligent Health AI on Feb 7, 2023 1:51:49 PM
Intelligent Health AI

At Intelligent Health UK on the 24-25th May 2023 in London, we’ll be changing the digital path of AI application in healthcare together.


Across the two days, we’ll bring together hundreds of health tech companies, clinicians and AI experts across the NHS to tackle real-life, digital health challenges.

Each Challenge Session will focus on a specific issue which has been identified as a barrier to adopting AI within healthcare, where a use case, project or initiative will be presented, and you, as a participant in the Challenge Group can share experience, expertise and resources to look towards finding possible solutions.


If you have the tech or clinical expertise to work together in multi-disciplinary groups, join us in May to solve the most important challenges! 


IHUK20 - Challenges


So what’s hot on the table this year? Here’s a snapshot…

Setting yourself up for success – important actors for smooth implementation of AI tools into clinical workflows

How can data collected through robotic surgery be used and accessed in multiple ways? 

Identifying how pharma can fuel better use of AI in drug discovery

Utilising the biggest ophthalmic data set for early stage disease research diagnostic 

The inaugural national summit of AI working groups: benchmarking best practice for procurement and adoption models, current best practice and benefits of a national consortium of AI working groups

Governance, reportable concerns and reportable pathways


Each challenge will be led by our Innovation Partners, including AI Centre, NIHR and NICE to give you access to THE most important voices who are pioneering solutions to the roadblocks of AI adoption. 


Each challenge will bring you 5+ speakers, including clinicians, tech experts and experts from university hospitals and NHS Trusts to give you a 360 on the issues and solutions.


These are LIVE working groups and spaces fill up fast so if there’s a conversation you want to join book your pass today:


The Intelligent Health Team


Global AI and health events calendar 2023

Intelligent Health UK
24-25 May 2023

ExCeL London, UK 


Intelligent Health 
13-14 September 2023

Basel, Switzerland

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Topics: HealthTech, health for all

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