CME Swiss

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Dissipative regulation - new approaches to understanding the regulatory mechanisms in the human body

Posted by CME Swiss on Jun 23, 2020 10:37:56 AM
The functioning of a living body, maintaining the dynamic stability of its homeostasis, is provided by regulatory systems. Traditionally, such systems include the nervous and humoral systems of regulation. The third regulatory system of the body, which provides communication in the body, distance interactions according to the "informational" principle, is not considered.
For this reason, the understanding of the law of nature – “substance-energy-information”, uniting the foundations of any matter, is very limited in biology. Therefore, the rules and postulates of Synergetics, as a science of the self-organization of matter, in the understanding of modern scientists are far from real processes occurring in matter "here and now." This article
provides a summary of the basic rules and principles of the interaction of Matter, Energy and Information, which is the basis of the third regulation mechanism in the human body.
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