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What's New at Intelligent Health UK 2023

Posted by Intelligent Health AI on Feb 10, 2023 4:05:06 PM
Intelligent Health AI

Intelligent Health UK, the UK’s leading AI in medicine & health tech summit, will return to the ExCeL London on 24-25 May 2023 to advance discussions on how to apply AI and drive technological collaboration in healthcare.


Here are the Top 10 NEW features in 2023 you can’t miss at Intelligent Health UK in May. 


1. John Nosta is Headlining the Main Stage - John is currently ranked as THE #1 global name health technology and innovation!


2. Over 50% of our agenda features the UK’s TOP Clinicians, brand new names for 2023.


3. The most IMPORTANT challenges the NHS faces are tackled in multiple 1 hour Challenge Sessions hosted by NIHR, AI Centre, NICE, HIN and more!


4. Use cases spotlighting the LATEST real-time AI applications in healthcare, including in mental health, cancer, covid, robotics and surgery, radiology, and diagnostics.


5. Dedicated track for startups for one hour each day, uncovering the latest innovations.


6. MORE workshops to give you hands on opportunities to collectively tackle BIG challenges.


7. Brand new Regulatory panel sharing key governance updates.


8. First ever AI working group with AI Heads coming together from multiple Trusts for a LIVE working session.


9. The hottest roadblocks to AI discussed, challenged and solved, including data consolidation and platforms, clinician education, workforce, infrastructure, and difficulties around creating a proactive NHS.


10. The big money talk - the first ever Procurement Panel on paying for AI and health tech - who takes responsibility?





Get set for the BIGGEST Intelligent Health stage, your diary is going to be booked with the best conversations you’ll have this year.


The Intelligent Health Team


Global AI and health events calendar 2023

Intelligent Health UK
24-25 May 2023

ExCeL London, UK 



Intelligent Health 
13-14 September 2023

Basel, Switzerland


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