Interview with Tuomas Kannas, Co-Founder and Senior Vice President, TrueMed

Posted by Intelligent Health AI on May 20, 2020 3:55:08 PM

We spoke to Tuomas Kannas, Co-Founder and Senior Vice President at TrueMed. Tuomas gave us his thoughts on AI in medicine ahead of his presentation at Intelligent Health Inspired (25 – 27 May 2020), the world's largest online summit dedicated to AI in medicine.


Q: What excites you most about the application of AI in healthcare?


Interdisciplinary possibilities, better health results, faster diagnostic outputs.

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Topics: AI, Medicine, HealthTech, MedTech

Interview with Max Welling, Vice President Technologies, Qualcomm & Research Chair, Machine Learning, University of Amsterdam

Posted by Intelligent Health AI on May 20, 2020 3:46:02 PM

We spoke to Max Welling, Vice President Technologies, Qualcomm & Research Chair, Machine Learning, University of Amsterdam. Max gave us his thoughts on AI in medicine ahead of his presentation on Deep learning for health data at Intelligent Health Inspired (25 – 27 May 2020), the world's largest online summit dedicated to AI in medicine.


Q: What excites you most about the application of AI in healthcare?


The enormous potential to improve healthcare services.


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Topics: AI, Medicine, HealthTech, MedTech

Interview with Tim Whittleson, Urologist at North Bristol NHS Trust

Posted by Intelligent Health AI on May 19, 2020 12:58:19 PM

We spoke to Tim Whittleson, Urologist at North Bristol NHS Trust. Tim gave us his thoughts on AI in medicine ahead of his presentation (AI – the legacy of COVID-19?) at Intelligent Health Inspired (25 – 27 May 2020), the world's largest online summit dedicated to AI in medicine.

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Topics: AI, Medicine, HealthTech, MedTech

An interview with Sujeeth Bharadwaj, AI Research Lead/Principal Engineer at Microsoft

Posted by Intelligent Health AI on May 19, 2020 12:46:40 PM

We spoke to Sujeeth Bharadwaj, AI Research Lead/Principal Engineer at Microsoft. Sujeeth gave us his thoughts on AI in medicine ahead of his presentation  (Use Case 1 – Training CXR classification models an order-of-magnitude faster using IPUs on Microsoft Azure) at Intelligent Health Inspired (25 – 27 May 2020), the world's largest online summit dedicated to AI in medicine.


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Topics: AI, Medicine, HealthTech, MedTech

An Interview with Srini Venkatramanan, Research Scientist - NSSAC Division at the Biocomplexity Institute & Initiative, University of Virginia

Posted by Intelligent Health AI on May 19, 2020 10:44:39 AM

We spoke to Srinivasan Venkatramanan, Research Scientist - NSSAC Division at the Biocomplexity Institute & Initiative, University of Virginia. Srini gave us his thoughts on AI in medicine ahead of his presentation (Computational modeling and data strategies for predicting and responding to pandemics) at Intelligent Health Inspired (25 – 27 May 2020), the world's largest online summit dedicated to AI in medicine.


Q: What excites you most about the application of AI in healthcare?


We have seen healthcare transform into a data-intensive discipline over the past decade with the increased use of EHRs, wearable sensors, etc. I am excited to see the synergy of domain knowledge and machine intelligence in improving overall human health.


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Topics: AI, Medicine, HealthTech, MedTech

Smart Tech Investments Can Stop the Next Pandemic and Strengthen Global Health

Posted by The Novartis Foundation on May 19, 2020 10:19:44 AM
By Dr. Ann Aerts, head of the Novartis Foundation, which focuses on how data, digital and AI can transform global health.
As the COVID-19 crisis unfolds, the unsteady response can be boiled down to one explanation: We weren’t prepared. 
News reports show that even countries with the strongest health care systems have been short of health care workers, hospital space and personal protective equipment for medical staff. And without coordinated systems for managing equipment, hospital resources and operations, national leaders have been forced to make decisions on the fly and learn from the mistakes of other countries.
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Topics: Medicine, Digital Health, HealthTech, MedTech, COVID-19

Interview on COVID-19 with Novartis and Microsoft Research

Posted by Intelligent Health on May 13, 2020 12:49:42 PM

On Monday 25th May from 11am – 12pm BST Intelligent Health Inspired will be hosting an exclusive and candid interview with key experts in the field, on COVID-19: Current landscape, use of technology, obstacles and the future.


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Topics: AI, Medicine, Digital Health, HealthTech, MedTech

The AI and healthcare community join forces in direct response to clinicians demands to be heard

Posted by Intelligent Health AI on May 6, 2020 10:05:34 AM
The most powerful names in AI and the global health community will join forces online for Intelligent Health Inspired (25-27 May 2020).
At a time when collaboration globally is more important than ever; innovation must continue and healthcare and technology professionals must join forces to fight the biggest disruptor the world has faced in a generation, COVID-19.
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Topics: Medicine, Digital Health, HealthTech, MedTech, COVID-19

Meet the superheroes working to save lives beyond the current pandemic

Posted by Intelligent Health on May 4, 2020 12:11:57 PM

“How very little can be done under the spirit of fear” – Florence Nightingale

In the midst of this pandemic the fate of humanity isn’t resting on the shoulders of superheroes, it is resting on us all - the medical, academic and technology leaders, every one of us as an “Inspired Citizen”.
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Topics: AI, Medicine, Digital Health, HealthTech, MedTech


Posted by Owkin on Apr 29, 2020 11:36:00 AM

Owkin is introducing the Covid-19 Open AI Consortium (COAI) to bring breakthrough medical discoveries and actionable findings to the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. 

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Topics: AI, Medicine, Digital Health, HealthTech, MedTech